Sunday, December 26, 2010

Candle Flame

Why would someone, of decent age, want to touch the flame of a candle, already knowing of it's burn?

Everyone knows about it... The childhood 'don't touch the fire, it will hurt.' but no matter what, we always do, because we won't believe it until we do it. We're curious. But why would a person who has already experienced it want to do it again?

In my perspective, maybe they viewed it as another learning experience. Maybe they wanted a newer view on touching the flame than as they did as a child. A sort of metaphorical, more-so mature look on it.

In other perspectives...

"Because it's beautiful, and kinda cool."

"Well, for one thing, they could be masochists and enjoy pain, or, if it's a guy, they could just want to impress a girl. Orrrr... They could be... an adrenaline junkie and enjoy the thrill. ORRR..... They could be planning to do this major sketchy crime... like stealin' 50 g's from a bank... So they burn their fingertips off so they don't leave a trace... and henceforth... gain the status... OF NINJA! *wave hands in the air*"

''Cause the flame is worth getting burned for.''

Is my perspective changed?

It's only grown.
